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Salmon and Corn



  • Slow cooked salmon

  • Grilled corn

  • Corn risotto

  • Corn fumet


Slow cooked salmon

  • Yield: 2 portions



  • 2 6oz portions of salmon, skin off

  • Kosher salt

  • 4 oz unsalted butter, cubed




Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Season the salmon with 2 Tbs of salt spread evenly on all sides. Heat ¼ cup of water in a sauté pan to a boil. Swirl in the butter, one cube at a time to emulsify and remove from heat. Place the salmon portions, presentation side up, in the pan and bake for about 7 minutes until just cooked through with the top still rare.


Grilled Corn

  • Yield: 1 cup



  • 8 ears corn, shucked

  • 4 oz canola oil

  • Kosher salt

  • 3 oz unsalted butter




Turn a grill on high heat or use a grill pan over burners on high heat. Evenly brush 2 ears of corn with the oil, season liberally with salt and grill on all sides. Cut the grilled kernels from the cobs and set aside. Submerge the remaining ears, along with the grilled cobs, in cold water in a stock pot. Bring the corn stock to a simmer and cook for 45 minutes. Strain the stock and cut the kernels from the cobs. Place the kernels in a blender with just enough of the stock to puree. Finish with the butter to emulsify, season to taste with salt, and pass through a chinois.


Corn Risotto

  • Yield: 2 cups



  • 2 Tbs canola oil

  • ¾ # unsalted butter

  • 4 cloves garlic, minced

  • Kosher salt

  • 1 cup white wine

  • 4 cups corn stock

  • 1 cup crème fraiche

  • 1 cup corn puree




Heat the oil and ½ # butter over high heat in a large pot until the butter melts. Add the onion and garlic with 3 Tbs of salt. Simmer until the alliums are translucent. Add the rice and mix to coat in the fat. Deglaze with the wine and stir vigorously with a rubber spatula or wooden spoon until absorbed. The continued aggressive stirring will break apart the starch granules and yield a creamy and proper result. Add one cup of the corn stock at a time, constantly stirring, until all 4 cups are absorbed. Be sure no to add any liquid until the previous cup is absorbed. Turn off the heat and mix in the crème fraiche, ¼ # butter, and corn puree. Fold in the grilled corn kernels prior to serving.


Corn Fumet

  • Yield: 1 cup



  • 1 cup corn stock

  • 1 cup fumet (fish stock)

  • 2 Tbs unsalted butter, cubed




Reduce the fumet and corn stock in a pot by three fourths, whisk in the butter to emulsify and strain through a chinois.




Scoop a healthy portion of the risotto in the center of a bowl. Coat the top of the salmon with the corn puree. Place the salmon atop the risotto, garnish with salmon roe and micro chives. Finish by pouring the corn fumet sauce around the risotto.

Salmon and corn
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